Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A few items

Make a note that the library will be open Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend. We'll only be closed on the Monday holiday itself. (PS: I'm off all weekend)
October 30 is our next program with guest speaker Tresa Tatyrek returning for a program on church records research. 10:30-11:30am on that Saturday. As always, it's a free program.
You may remember The Magna Carta from your studies in high school? It was signed in 1215 by King John and his Barons requiring John to cede a certain amount of rule to the barons in exchange for their loyalty. It is considered the basis for all English rule from that time forward since it was the earliest agreement between sovereign and subject on the rights of both parties. So, ever wonder if you are descended from some of the first people involved in the great English document? The source in our collection to find out is entitled The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Th.D fourth edition with additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., M.S. with David Faris (1991). The sureties were the barons who signed on behalf of the remaining barons. There were twenty-five. Only 17 have identified descendants. The book lists the names of all 25, the clerics who signed as advisors to the kings, and the nobles represented. The American colonists whose ancestry is discussed are listed up front and the states in which they resided. (Hmm, there's a Robertt Throckmorton) and a full index in the back of the book. You can find this source at R Gen 929.72 WEI.

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