Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Persons of Quality

A book with the title The Original Lists of Persons of Quality 1600-1700 just makes you hope you have an ancestor in there. I mean “persons of quality” certainly sounds good. This book, edited by John Camden Hotten (originally published London 1874. reprinted Clearfield Co, Inc. 2003) is subtitled emigrants; religious exiles, political rebels, serving men sold for a term of years; apprentices; children stolen; maidens pressed; and others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations. Now you have a better idea of what’s in the book and you still might be glad to find one of your ancestors in this book. The introduction tells us that of the groups of early emigrants “by far the greater number was composed of comparatively obscure men – men of little means, but possessed of hearts and consciences of too honest a nature to permit them quietly to submit to the intolerance which was forced upon them at home.” If your ancestors can from across the pond during this noted century you should come take a look at this, and a follow up book edited by James C. Brandow entitled Omitted Chapters from Hotten’s original lists of person of quality…and others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700 (copyright 1982 Genealogical Publishing Co.). They can be found shelved together at R Gen 929.3 HOT.

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