Saturday, June 18, 2011

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, June 22, 10:30 am - Noon
The Genealogy, Local History, Texana, Archives (GLHTA) division at Haggard Library is presenting "HOW TO FIND YOUR IMMIGRANTS"
Gain an understanding of the history of immigration, the processes immigrants went through, and where to find passenger lists.
For more information on this free program, please call 972.769.4240
Jeanette Bickley Bland Meeting Room (lower level) W.O. Haggard, Jr. Library
2501 Coit Rd
Plano TX 75075

Friday, July 8, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm in the Dulaney Room in the Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library
Mr. George Morgan, author of How to Do Everything: Genealogy will be presenting a series of seminars.

How to Do Everything: Genealogy (based on his book). It covers genealogical research for beginning, intermediate and advanced researchers.

Genealogy Orienteering: Using Maps to Find the Right Place. This seminar presents a simple efficient methodology and some resources to help you use maps more quickly and effectively locate the right place to conduct your research

Bring 'Em Back to Life: Developing an Ancestor Profile. This seminar will help you create a biographical profile of your ancestor.

Using HeritageQuest Databases. This lecture is unique in that it not only addresses the contents of HeritageQuest Online, but it also introduces embedded online tools that can really help your research. Heritage Quest is available through the Library in the Texshare databases.

New Ways to Research Our Roots. This session concentrates on the products, services, technology, and initiatives that are advancing our research each day. Learn about new research resources available today and trends into the future with books, records, digitization, DNA, and more.

Times for each of these seminars will be posted as soon as I receive them - Susan
It is recommended that you bring a laptop computer with you. If you don't have one, you will still get lots of information out of these seminars. For more information on these free seminars sponsored by the Northeast Texas Library System (NETLS), contact Susan at 972.547.7343 or

Thursday, July 14, 7:00 pm in the Dulaney Room of the Roy and Helen Hall Memorial Library
The North Collin County Genealogical Society will be hosting Mr. Danny Bishop. Mr. Bishop will be discussing historic Downtown McKinney. He has worked with the Heard Museum and other historical preservation projects around our area as well as with the Smithsonian in DC. This program is free for all - you don't have to be a member of the Genealogical Society to attend.

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